
The NGFS Expert Network on Research (ENR) was established in 2023 to foster collaboration among experts from NGFS members and observers, enabling knowledge sharing and promoting cutting-edge research in sustainable finance and climate-related topics. Since its inception, the ENR has advanced the understanding of key areas such as the macroeconomic impacts of climate change, the role of financial systems in achieving net-zero goals, and the management of climate-related risks.

This initiative supports the NGFS mission to anchor financial systems in sustainability and resilience by facilitating research dissemination through webinars, workshops, and collaborative projects. Its activities contribute directly to the mandates of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) by enriching intellectual capacity and addressing pivotal issues at the intersection of finance and environmental challenges. 

The past two years, the ENR has been proactive in hosting seminars, workshops, and simulation exercises to advance research and practical applications. For the 2024-2026 period, the ENR intends to focus on several research topics: macro-economic impacts of climate change, physical risk analysis, international spillover effects of climate shocks. As in the past few years, the EN will organise monthly webinars and bi-annual hybrid workshop to disseminate the latest research findings. It also aims at supporting collaborative projects with other NGFS workstreams and will keep engaging with the global academic community to encourage broader research participation, including insights from emerging economies.

Chairs’ institutions

The ENR is co-chaired by Mr Benoit Mojon (Bank for International Settlements) and Zhang Xuechun (People’s Bank of China).

Join us

Stay updated on the ENR’s efforts to bridge research and policy in the quest for sustainable financial systems. To participate in our webinars, contribute to ongoing research, or explore our publications to see how financial systems can drive the global green transition, reach out to sec.ngfs@banque-france.fr

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Outils statistique

Monetary policy

Outils statistique

Scenario design and analysis

Outils statistique

Updated on the 31st of December 2024