
Capacity building and training is part of the NGFS core activities. Since the NGFS’s establishment in 2017, its objective has been to create a platform for sharing knowledge, good practices, and to provide central banks and supervisors with necessary tools to take action. 

A transversal structure is being implemented across the NGFS’s different working groups to ensure the best support on capacity building and training to all NGFS Members. The content and the contribution from each working group is constantly evolving to allow adapting to Members’ needs and to the work of the different topic areas. 

Current capacity building and training activities are building on the foundational tools (such as the NGFS Sustainability Training Reference Guide and NGFS Sustainability Knowledge and Information Learning Library) developed by a dedicated Task Force in 2022-2024, which was led by Madelena Mohamed (Bank Negara Malaysia) and Jeffery Yong (Bank for International Settlements). The task force has identified good practices on how central banks and supervisors can design and develop an in-house training/capacity building strategy, mapped training needs and supply, and facilitated the upskilling of central bankers and supervisors.

All capacity building and training material produced by the NGFS and its learning partners is available to its Members and Observers on the Climate Training Alliance Portal and the dedicated NGFS resource page

Updated on the 30th of December 2024