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The NGFS is chaired by Ms Sabine Mauderer, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. The Vice-Chair of the NGFS is Ms Fundi Tshazibana, Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and Chief Executive Officer of the Prudential Authority. The Secretariat, headed by Mr Yann Marin, is provided by the Banque de France.
In order to achieve its work program, the Network has structured its work into six dedicated workstreams and task forces:
- Workstream “Supervision”: chaired by Ms. Mercedes Olano (Banco de España) and Mr. Donald Chen (Hong Kong Monetary Authority) (more information).
- Workstream “Scenario Design and Analysis”: chaired by Mr Livio Stracca (European Central Bank) (more information).
- Workstream “Monetary Policy”: chaired by Mr James Talbot (Bank of England) (more information).
- Workstream “Net Zero for Central Banks”: co-chaired by Mr Paolo Angelini (Banca d’Italia) and Ms Simone Robbers (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) (more information).
- Task force “Nature-Related Risks”: co-chaired by Ms Emmanuelle Assouan (Banque de France) and Mr Marc Reinke (De Nederlandsche Bank) (more information).
- Task force “Capacity Building and Training”: co-chaired by Ms Madelena Mohamed (Bank Negara Malaysia) and Mr Jeffery Yong (Bank for International Settlements) (more information).
- Task force “Adaptation”: co-chaired by Ms. Shelagh Kahonda (National Bank of Rwanda) and Mr. Sean Carmody (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority).
NGFS Charter - revised 27 April 2023
- Published on 04/27/2023
- 9 pages
- EN
- PDF (532.65 KB)
Updated on: 07/08/2024 16:51