
Conference 17th April 2019: Central banks and supervisors taking action on climate change/first comprehensive report of the NGFS

The NGFS organized a full-day conference to present its first comprehensive report on Wednesday 17th April, 2019 in Paris. The conference gathered its 36 members and 6 observers, representing the 5 continents.

The lesson drawn from the first 16 months of NGFS activity is that climate change presents significant financial risks that can only be mitigated through early and orderly transition. There is a need for global collective leadership and action across countries. The NGFS, as a coalition of the willing and a voluntary-based forum, is acknowledging this and its report is proposing first recommendations aiming at facilitating the role of the financial sector in achieving the objectives of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

In the morning, the conference was restricted to central bankers and supervisors –NGFS members and non NGFS members-. In the afternoon, the event gathered the regulators, their stake-holders and the representatives of the financial industry and was opened to the press.”

Please find below the links with the 3 main events of the afternoon of the conference :

  • Plenary panel - What should be the next steps and follow-up of the NGFS comprehensive report? (link here)
  • Fire-side chat, Mark Carney, Frank Elderson, François Villeroy de Galhau (link here)
  • High-level panel – What can central banks do to mitigate climate-related risks and scale-up green finance? (link here)

The programme of the conference is published below, on this page of the NGFS website.