This section provides information relating to the NGFS current composition (members and observers) and on the application process.
As of May 29th, the NGFS consists of 138 members and 21 observers.
The members are the following:
Banque de France / Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)
Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators of Peru -SBS
The observers are the following:
Information on the application process
Adhering to the NGFS reflects a political commitment from an institution and also implies the will and capacity to actively contribute to the work. For that reason, any supervisory authority or central bank committed to actively contribute to the objectives and work of the NGFS is eligible to be a NGFS member, as provided by article 2 of the NGFS Charter (see “Governance”). The NGFS membership aims to achieve a diverse representation of institutions in terms of geographic areas as well as between developed and emerging countries.
International or regional financial institutions and international or regional standard setting, regulatory, supervisory and central bank bodies which have demonstrated a proven commitment in sustainable finance are eligible to be NGFS observers (art. 5 of the Charter).
Eligible institutions apply for joining the NGFS in compliance with the following procedure under article 3 of the Charter:
- The submission of an official request from the Governor or Head of Supervision for membership application or board-level official for observers to the NGFS Chair, copy the Secretariat. This request describes the motivations for joining the NGFS as well some examples of proven commitments as set out in article 2 of this Charter and the areas of interest in which the institution specifically wants to contribute.
- The Secretariat thereafter submits the application request by written procedure or at a physical meeting to the approval by consensus of the NGFS members’ jurisdictions.
- Once approved, the new member will be asked to appoint its representatives in the relevant NGFS Workstreams.
Mis à jour le : 27/08/2024 17:15